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Lord Shiva Meditation

The patron of yoga and meditation, Lord Shiva is considered by the followers of the Hindu religion as the main deity. Shiva is believed to be the guiding force behind all the creations, destructions and regenerations taking place in the world. His existence is beyond all the boundaries all the cultures. He is the only one hoc exits in various forms. He is that cosmic consciousness that cannot be defined and whose essence is formless. He has often been seen in many images like dancer, Meditator, the karma Yogi and ego sacrifices. He is the one who shows us the right path even in the worst of times and provides joy and serenity. Shiva meditation is one very effective technique of awakening your inner self and freeing yourself from all the boundaries of life. It is of paramount importance to all of us to learn to chant mantra, breath and visualise Shiva while practicing Shiva meditation.

Let’s explore more about meditating on Shiva and various benefits associated with Shiva meditation for once physical and emotional well being:

Essence of Shiva Meditation

It is a proven fact that we all are the children of Lord Shiva and we have found our existence from a tiny part that came from him. Like him all of us have a third eye somewhere inside which is also the eye that helps awaken us and enlightens our path. The master of our life, Lord Shiva is an incarnation of mediation in the real sense and so learning to meditate on Lord Shiva clears the darkness from your eyes and enables us to take the best decisions in our life’s affairs.

Technique of Doing Shiva Meditation

Select a Proper Place
Though it is highly recommended to select a place which is free from various disturbances nevertheless if you live at a place where noise and disturbances cannot be avoided then you can turn on some soothing music which can enhance the strength of meditation. Turn off all the gadgets and keep yourself away from your phone.

Stretch Your Body
Before starting to meditate, stretch your body so as to keep your body tension free. Take time to stretch your back, hips, legs, neck and shoulder. It will make you ready for meditation.

Sit Comfortably and Breathe
It is not always required to sit in a crossed-leg position. Do so only if you are comfortable with the position. You may also sit on a chair bracing your back by the side of a wall if you feel comfortable. It is a myth that meditation can only be done if you sit in a crossed-leg position.

Visualize the Image of Shiva and See him as the Winner
Visualise Lord Shiva as the divine power extending his never ending power to your soul and body.

Chant the Mantra “Om Namah Shivaya”
While you meditate, keep chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra with its definite understanding. When you chant any divine mantra you ought to experience that divinity within yourself and it is spontaneous and effortless.

Advantages of Shiva Meditation

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